Rwanda: FDU-Inkingi denied again right to hold constitutional congress
Kigali – On April 28th, UDF-Inkingi introduced for the fourth time its application to hold its constitutional congress. This was but an appeal to the Governor of Kigali City to reconsider our case, for we considered that the Mayor of Nyarugenge District had refused to allow this congress on baseless grounds.
Today things are getting much clearer and clearer. As a matter of fact, reasons put forward by both authorities are too simplistic to account for the refusal of the UDF-Inkingi national congress. Ms Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza has been put under endless police investigations and is now under house arrest because the RPF dictatorial regime wants it so and not because she or her organization have been found guilty of whatsoever. Such manoeuvres are meant to blot her personal image as well as that of UDF-Inkingi, not only to disqualify her as a Presidential candidate but also to hinder the establishment of her organization as a genuine opposition party inside Rwanda.
UDF-Inkingi understands that the current regime in Rwanda has decided to thoroughly lock up political space and does not intend to allow us to exercise our political rights. Today we introduce again our appeal directed to the Minister of Local Government. If ever he too rejects our application to hold the constitutional congress, it will be then obvious that our endeavours to make our organization be recognized and registered as a political party are but a mist.
We call the Rwandan people and the international community to witness the suffering UDF-Inkingi and her Chairperson and Presidential candidate Ms Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza have been undergoing in their efforts to respect and follow legal procedures for the sake of the party registration.
Sylvain Sibomana
FDU-Inkingi Interim Secretary General
Kigali, May 6th, 2010
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