Rwanda Starts A Decade Of Dialogue And Reconciliation
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Year 2009 is over. The second decade of the 21st century has now started. Memories of what happened in Rwanda during the last decade of the 20th century and the first decade of this century are still fresh. People still talk about Rwanda with passion and compassion, often with partisanship and naivety.
Emotions and surprises are always high, not only among those who lived the tragic events of these last two decades, but also among those who, suddenly shaken by the recent rwandese history still full of numerous controversies, have tried to understand, repair and help.
Kigali is thriving now. But life is hard for many Rwandans and one can predict that it is even going to be harder this year. The prosperity of this country is still threatened by the dangerous mixture of truths and lies, abundance and misery, denial, hatred, trauma, persecution, humiliation, frustrations, false incrimination, passion, anger, fear etc…
As usual, many people have made their new year�s resolutions, usually oriented towards satisfaction of individual or family needs. This is a good thing. But we think people should also make resolutions about how to contribute to the re-establishment of harmony and trust within the rwandan society, this year and this decade. It is essential to bring active contribution to the dialogue among Rwandans in order to prevent that the most beautiful country in Africa becomes again the theatre of the most horrible man-made disaster on earth.
We hope that all Rwandans will come together to define a ‘Vision 2020’ strategy which will bring this country back to harmony.
It is in this context that we’ve set up this new information tribune, Rwandinfo, in the hope that it will be another instrument to bring Rwandans together and build a better future.
January 9, 2010 No Comments