Rwanda Information Portal

Posts from — December 2011

Kagame’s Spies Followed Ingabire To His Funeral

Mourners at Ingabire�s funeral hiding their faces from Kagame

AD and readers, look at this photo in Uganda�s Monitor Newspaper of the mourners at the assassinated Rwandan journalist Charles Ingabire. This is what Rwandans have become under the regime of Paul Kagame, our so called president. We all live in fear. Rwandan people cannot even bury their dead in peace because the fear of Kagame followed them across the border into Uganda.

Dear Lord, how can this be? How can one human being spread terror through fear of this magnitude?

The overwhelming sense in Kigali and elsewhere in the country is a profound fear of the powerful Kagame regime, and of his fearful RPF heavyweights especially the minister of local government James Musoni known as Rajabu. The culture of impunity, the real threat to be at the receiving end of ever more reckless acts by Kagame goons is beyond belief. Just look at the photo of Ingabire funeral above.

In today�s Rwanda the ambiguity about the identity of the goons who may report or attack you causes great uncertainty and alarm � ask the Gitarama bicycle taxi owners how they managed to tame their anxiety and even fought back their attackers recently in a story recently shown at AD. The regime now does not allow the more that 10,000 bicycle owners in our country to ride on main roads. My God, where are they to ride and how are they make a living if they don�t have cars?

Kagame police, local defence forces and the military are now determined to controlling every aspect of life. They use interrogation and torture to extract information � all of us Rwandans now have become the enemies of the Kagame state. It is as if we are back in Soviet Union or Nazi Germany when loyalties divided even families. It is now common for wives or husbands to report their partners to the regime informers.

Rajabu James Musoni�s local government methods are ruthless. No citizen has a right in this country anymore. We as a nation of trapped rats, or frogs and mosquitoes as Kagame himself likes to put it. Look at the photo of Charles Ingabire funeral again � you immediately see a sense of hopelessness which is prevailing with complete anonymity and even isolation. Loot at the real signs in this picture of generalised fear of unexpected arrest by unidentified agents for �crimes� that have not been committed.

Yet, like elsewhere in history, when a regime reaches such a paranoia stage, you know that it is losing its grip. The words of Pastor Yeremiya at Ingabire funeral may come to haunt Kagame: �If you shoot someone dead, you are only killing the flesh not the spirit. We should not fear those who kill the flesh.�

Thank you Monitor Newspaper for showing the world the Kagame fear factor in your powerful photograph and story. You know of course that no single news outlet in Rwanda covered the Charles Ingabire story. Hardly surprising of course!

Candida Mukamusinga, Kampala

African Dictator

December 6, 2011   No Comments

People inside Rwanda stand up against Kagame

1,000 Brave Rwandans Standup to Butcher Kagame

Cycling to freedom from Kagame dictatorship

The unrest sweeping the Middle East is reaching the Central African region � Rwanda may be next in line.

One year on after the Tunisia�s jasmine revolution, a 26-year old Mohammed Bouazizi set himself alight on 17 December 2010 unleashing a tsunami against dictatorship. The rest is history.

Another young African, known as Donatien, has ignited an uprising in� Kagame�s totalitarian state of Rwanda.

Reports from the central town of Gitarama (Muhanga) say that about 1,000 young men took up the streets to defend Donatien, a bicycle taxi-owner who makes a living by transporting passengers. His bicycle was being forcibly taken by Local Defense Forces. These are the goons the Kagame sycophants use to intimidate and kill his own population.

The Rwandan butcher recently decided that bicycle taxi-owners around the country � they are more than 10,000 people- should stop cycling on the roads they contribute to build.

The arrest of Donatien triggered clashes between LDF and civilians in Nyabisindu. Eventually the road Kigali -Gitarama-Kibuye was closed for almost 2 hours following the spontaneous demonstration.

Protesters chanted slogans like: �We are feed up with the dictatorship.� �We stand up for our rights�.

Dozens of policemen, heavily armed were later deployed as the crowed refused to let Donatien be arrested by police. Similar scenes of uprising have been reported various parts of Rwanda, in Kayonza and Mushubati where young people reacted angrily when Kagame decided once again they should stop making a living by mining on their own land.

Meanwhile, another brave young man, Charles Ingabire, has been robbed of his young life. Like his fellow Rwandan Donatien, Ingabire had refused to be silenced by Kagame�s oppressive regime. He had instead went into exile in Uganda where continued to publish his investigative writing on Kagame vampire state. As tension grows inside the country, the Rwandan dictator has once again brutally taken a life of a journalist, Charles Ingabire.

The words of Gitarama protesters are most appropriate: �We are feed up with the dictatorship.� �We stand up for our rights�.

Ndoli, Kigali, Rwanda

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African Dictator

December 4, 2011   3 Comments

Remembering the Victims of Rwandan army in D.R. Congo

By Olivier Harerimana

London 26/11/2011 – Remembering Victims of RPF atrocities in Congo (ex-Zaire)

Olivier Harerimana - Speech "Remembering Victims of RPF Army in Congo"

Olivier Harerimana – Speech “Remembering Victims of RPF Army in Congo” – November 26, 2011.

After the horrific atrocities that shock my loved country Rwanda, from April 1994 and in the midst of a war that had just restarted, more than 2.5 millions of Rwandan population fled to neighbouring countries.

They fled to Burundi, Tanzania, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo which was called at the time Zaire. It is estimated that Zaire took around 2 million refugees, Tanzania 480,000, Burundi 200,000 and Uganda 10,000. (2005 by Institute for Environmental Security)

In these countries refugees settled in camps that were supported by international and national humanitarian agencies.

Today we are here to commemorate many among those refugees who can be put in 2 categories:

  1. Those who were systematically massacred by Rwandan troops
  2. �and those who died as result of hard lives, malnutrition, starvation and diseases.

Up to date it is estimated that around 500,000 Rwandan refugees died in Congo from October 1996. (MSF)

What happened to these refugees is now well documented and backed by a tremendous amount of evidence collected from witnesses who survived, from humanitarian agencies that operated in that region, from local residents and also from investigations led by the UN itself.

You would ask me, what happened?

In October 1996, the Rwandan government troops( APR) with a newly established Congolese rebel movement, attacked refugees camps in eastern Congo forcing many of them back to Rwanda but at the same time killing others. There were survivors who managed to flee inside the Congolese forest but they were pursued and killed.

Some of most known massacres occurred:
  • On the 20th October 1996 around a region called Katale, refugees leaving camps and those going to look for food in the camps were killed . (1998 UNHCR)
  • On the 24 October 1996 � Refugees were killed in Uvira. (Congo Wars myth & reality � African Studies � Commonwealth University)
  • Between the 25th and the 27th October 1996 refugee camps in Katale and Kibumba were attacked and more than 10,000 refugees were massacred. Survivors fled to Mugunga Camps and others were repatriated to Rwanda by force.�� (MSF)
  • On the 15th November 1996 � Mugunga camps which was the world largest refugee camp at that time was attacked and over 50,000 refugees were killed, others forced to return to Rwanda but some fled in the forest. Those who arrived in Tingi-Tingi area fleeing massacres in east were attacked and killed between 28 February and 13 March 1997. (UN Department of Humanitarian Affairs: 21 Nov 1996)
  • Shabunda camps in South Kivu �which had seen a big increase of its inhabitant as result of refugees fleeing killings in Refugee camps of Kashusha and INERA, was attacked on the 5th February 1997 and around 10,000 refugees were massacred. �(The Massacre of Refugees in Congo: A Case of UN Peacekeeping Failure and International Law – The Journal of Modern African Studies, Vol. 38, No. 2. (Jul., 2000), pp. 163-202)
  • On the 1st April 1997 � after WFP announced that 100,000 refugees were at 150Km from Kisangani, they were attacked and massacred. �Some of survivors were airlifted to Rwanda by humanitarian agencies.
  • On the 13th May 1997 massacres were committed by Rwandan troops in Mbandaka and Wendji. (UN Mapping report)

Survivors continued their fleeing journey until the end May 1997 when they arrived Congo-Brazzaville after a trip of 1,500 kilometres. (Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

According to figures from the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR), over 340,000 refugees fled� hiding in the forests of Kivu,� fleeing west ahead of the advancing front line. Few thousands survivors are still in Congolese forest. (Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

There are also the refugees who died as result of diseases.
Memorial for victims of Rwandan (RPF) army in D.R. Congo

Memorial for victims of Rwandan (RPF) army in D.R. Congo

Cholera was the main disease that killed so many.

The first case of cholera in Goma was diagnosed on 20th July 1994. This led to a major cholera outbreak of 58,000 to 80,000 cases within a month. The cholera outbreak was still active when an outbreak of bloody diarrhea, due to�Shigella dysenteriae�type 1, erupted in the first days of August and persisted in all the camps until November 1994. (Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

These successive outbreaks contributed greatly to the unprecedented mortality rates observed during the first weeks of the emergency. A total of 48,347 dead bodies were buried between July 14 and August 14). (Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

Although this might be an underestimation of the true figures (because of private burials), the estimate of 50,000 deaths occurring during the first month of the emergency has been generally accepted.

Later on, and except during a short period in the south of Kisangani, the humanitarian agencies had almost no access to these populations until they reached Congo-Brazzaville.

The population of Tingi Tingi was estimated at 80,000 persons, of which 12,000 (15 percent) were children under five years old (Nabeth, 1997). From December 18, 1996 to February 26, 1997, a total of 1,703 deaths were recorded by the surveillance system, of which 831 (48.8 percent) occurred among children under five. (Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

By mid-May 1997, several hundred Rwandan refugees were identified in Congo-Brazzaville in a swampy area located 600 kilometres north of Brazzaville along the Oubangui River. They had settled in camps located in three villages: Loukol�la, Liranga, and Ndjoundou. It is estimated that in the first few month of their arrival the death rate caused by diseases and wounds was 5%.(Forced Migration & Mortality 2001)

Reports on massacres in Congo
Some of the above killings and massacres have been documented in a report called� DRC Mapping Exercise Report that has been released by The�United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights�(UNOHCHR).

The Report documents “the most serious violations of�human rights�and�international humanitarian law�committed within the territory of the�Democratic Republic of the Congo�between March 1993 and June 2003�.

The report contains a detailed accounting of the breakup of Rwandan�refugee camps�in eastern Congo at the start of the�First Congo war�in October 1996, followed by the pursuit of hundreds of thousands of Hutu refugees and Hutu population across the country�s vast hinterland by teams of Rwanda,�Burundi�and�Uganda�soldiers and their Congolese rebel collaborate, the�Alliance of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Congo.

The apparently systematic nature of these violations suggests that the numerous deaths cannot be attributed to the hazards of both first and second Congo wars or seen as equating to collateral damage. The majority of the victims were children, women, elderly people and the sick, who posed no threat to the attacking forces.

Numerous serious attacks on the physical or psychological integrity of members of the group were also committed, with a very high number of Hutus shot, raped, burnt or beaten.Very large numbers of victims were forced to flee and travel long distances to escape their pursuers, who were trying to kill them.

The hunt lasted for months, resulting in the deaths of an unknown number of people subjected to cruel, inhuman and degrading living conditions, without access to food or medication. On several occasions, the humanitarian aid intended for them was deliberately blocked, in particular in Orientale Province, depriving them of assistance essential to their survival.

The mapping report team noted that �The question of whether the numerous serious acts of violence committed against the Hutus (refugees and others) constitute crimes of genocide has attracted a significant degree of comment and to date remains unresolved. The report repeatedly stresses that this question can �only be decided by a court decision on the basis of evidence beyond all reasonable doubt. However, “the apparent systematic and widespread attacks described in this report reveal a number of inculpatory elements that, if proven before a competent court, could be characterised as crimes of genocide.”

Some think that certain elements could cause a court to hesitate to decide on the existence of a genocidal plan, such as the fact that as of 15 November 1996, several tens of thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees, many of whom had survived previous attacks, were repatriated to Rwanda with the help of the AFDL/APR authorities and that hundreds of thousands of Rwandan Hutu refugees were able to return to Rwanda with the consent of the Rwandan authorities prior to the start of the first war.

Whilst, in general, the killings did not spare women and children, it should be noted that in some places, at the beginning of the first war, Hutu women and children were in fact separated from the men, and only the men were subsequently killed.

Rwandan refugee killings had previously been recognised in The “Gersony Report“, name given to the 1994 findings made by a team under�Robert Gersony, which was under contract to the�United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees�and identified a pattern of massacres by the�Rwandan Patriotic Front�rebels after their military victory in�the civil war�in post-genocide�Rwanda. The findings were suppressed by the�United Nations�and involved governments for political reasons, and its existence was denied. No final written report was ever completed, though purported early written documentation has been leaked.

Call for Justice

Let us today remember all those ones who lost their lives in circumstances I described above, let us keep their memory alive by honouring them and more importantly let us promote peace, reconciliation, justice so that events like this never ever happen again.

Olivier Harerimana


Commemoration of 15th Anniversary of Rwandan refugees massacres in Congo


December 3, 2011   No Comments

Rwanda: James Musoni, The Embattled Minister Behind The New Times� Boss Arrest


The faces of Kagame�s assistant conman/cronie Rajabu aka James Musoni

James Musoni, commonly known as Rajabu in Rwanda is again embroiled in another scam, but as usual hiding his head in the sand like an ostrich and busy whispering to his boss and mentor�s ears the names of those to be thrown in jail or fired.

For starters, James Musoni is the current Minister of Local government and a senior member of the Rwanda Patriotic Front, the ruling party. Also he is considered as the second most powerful man in Rwanda after his boss and mentor, President Kagame. However, his closeness and proximity to Kagame is much more linked to working together in corrupt related deals. It is common knowledge that Musoni�s knows much about Kagame�s wealth than even Kagame�s wife.� Rajabu is very active in stabbing others from their back by whispering lies to Kagame�s ears.

According to our source close to the President�s office, Rajabu was upset by The New Times stories about the Rukarara hydro power dam. Needless to mention here that The New Times like Contact FM radio stations are both media outlets owned by Kagame or his wife and financed largely by the family. To protect his interests, Kagame appointed (read deployed) Col Ndahiro Emmanuel as the Chairman of the Board of Directors of The New Times.

Both Ndahiro and Musoni are at logger-heads, and Musoni worked hard to have Ndahiro fired from his juicy job at NSSS. The two gentlemen are known to be behind major political and security decision (including killings in the country and out of the country) in the country.� After successful uprooting Ndahiro, Musoni does not want to see Bideri Joseph at the helm of The New Times, and he was incensed by the recent true and well investigated publications about Rukarara hydro dam project.

As usual, Musoni made an attempted to get a kick back from the project but in vain. Miss Linda Bihire and Engineer Albert Butare, former Minister of Infrastructure and State Minister of Energy respectively resisted his corrupt tendencies, and were hence fired from their positions.� Ndahiro�s attempt to save Ms Linda Bihire, his mistress with whom he has a son from an axe did not yield to anything. Eventually, Musoni celebrated when Kagame fired Bihire and Butare! And few months later, Kagame listened to Musoni�s pleas to have Ndahiro fired, and now wants Bideri out of Kagame�s Newspaper to have his own man there. Will Kagame yield to Musoni�s pleas? Probably yes!

Shortly before his arrest and detention, Musoni called a meeting at his office that was attended by Emmanuel Gasana and Brig General Jack Nziza, the Commissioner General of Rwanda National Police and Secretary General in the Minister of Defense respectively to lay a strategy of halting Bideri from running the truth about Rukarara hydro dam. The trio agreed to use the Criminal Investigation department and bring corrupt related allegations against him, and lock him up under the fabricated charges. Knowing that Ndahiro has been weakened and can�t deter them from achieving their mission, Emmanuel Gasana (aka Rurayi) summoned Bideri to his office. On arrival to his office, Bideri was grilled by Gasana and Bizimungu, the CID boss. Gasana is a relative to Musoni, and is known to be receiving directives from him to terrorize Rwandans who he (Musoni) perceives to be his critics or enemies.

Upon being shackled in chains, Bideri sweated profusely, but managed to make a quick phone call to Ndahiro Emmanuel, the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the New Times about his plotted arrest and eventual detention. Still recovering from his sack, Ndahiro called and pleaded with Kagame to spare Bideri from jail, pleading that such move dent the leadership�s credibility, especially from the international media watchdogs. The source confirms that Kagame was not aware of Musoni and his company�s attempts to lock up Bideri because of Rukarara hydro power dam. He then called Bizimungu, the CID boss and questioned him about Bideri�s case. Our source reveals that Bizimungu painstakingly revealed that he was only invited by Gasana to be part of the interrogation session, and that his efforts to advise Gasana from pursuing this case was out rightly objected by the later.

Kagame furiously called Gasana, and questioned him about Bideri�s case. The President lambasted Gasana for acting in an insane manner, and ordered him to immediately release Bideri from jail. However, Gasana did not reveal to the President the real person who was behind the move, namely Rajabu. The next day Kagame ordered a meeting at his office, and mandated Major General Karake Karenzi, the NSSS boss to chair it. In attendance were at Gasana, Bizimungu and Nziza. In this meeting, Karake Karenzi strongly condemned Gasana for the arrest and detention of the TNT boss. He cautioned him against acting irrationally in matters of arrest of citizens, especially people working in the media.

Again in this meeting, Gasana decided not to reveal Rajabu, as being behind his decision to arrest Bideri. At the end of the meeting, Gasana and Nziza briefed Rajabu about it. Rajabu vowed to punish and bring down Karake from his NSSS job and hand it over to Nziza. Indeed, he approached Kagame with wild allegations against Karake. As usual, Kagame rubbished Karake�s report of that meeting.

According to our source close to the President�s office, In a recent security meeting, Kagame condemned Karake Karenzi for being a moll of enemies of the State and undermining the security. In rather an outburst manner, Kagame reminded him of how he had helped him by appointing him at a NSSS boss. He reminded him of his past and present �sins�; and warned him to keep off from interfering in other people�s business. For those known to Kagame, he plays the double standard game! In short, Karake�s days at NSSS are numbered because Rajabu is working hard to undermine him from there and expose him to Kagame�s wrath.

In a related development, we carried an investigation of other people who have been victimized of Musoni�s malicious witch hunt. For example, he categorically refused to register Ingabire�s FDU-Inkingi party, and together with Kagame preferred to lock her up in jail under fabricated charges. Mandated by Kagame, Musoni and Nziza worked tirelessly with DMI, and are behind Ingabire�s woes as well as other politicians and journalists who are rotting in Kagame�s controlled jails. The same source also revealed that the ban of Umuvugizi and Umuseso was Musoni�s project, because both papers were critical of his machinations and corruption. And families of Agnes and Saidati, the two journalists in jail also confirmed that the police and prosecutors revealed that they were acting on orders of Musoni, the powerful Minister to lock up the two journalist in jail. According to some Green party member, Musoni using Kambanda, the former Green Party General Secretary planned and executed the assassination of Andrew Rusereka, the party�s Vice President. The Directorate of Immigration and Prosecutor�s General office received instructions from Rajabu to fabricate charges against the human rights watch lady Calina; who was later ordered to leave Kigali with immediate effect. Similarly, Ngoga, the Prosecutor General confessed to some people that USA respected scholar and lawyer Peter Erlinder was arrested and pronounced a persona non grata in Rwanda much more under Musoni�s order than Kagame.

Musoni�s notorious actions have become a real threat to human life in Rwanda. John Rwagombwa, the current Minister of Finance and Economic planning has confided to some close RPF members that Musoni is working hard to tarnish his credibility. Having studied together at Makerere University, where John Rwagombwa and Emmanuel Hategeka the Permanent Secretary in the Minister of Commerce outshined him in studies, Musoni has never forgiven the two gentlemen, yet both are widely respected and intelligent gentlemen by all standards. Actually, accordingly to the Makerere Univesity records, Musoni obtained a pass degree, and many of his former students wonder why Kagame has elevated him and continue to value his (Rajabu) irrational advice.

Musoni�s other target is Ms Kampeta Sayizonga, the permanent secretary in the Ministry of Finance and Economic planning. This learned lady, like John Rwagombwa the Minister of Finance have vehemently refused Musoni�s move to make them his instruments of corruption and other malicious-hate related missions. The young intelligent man called Francios, former OTE was fired from the Ministry of Finance because he rejected to clear Musoni�s requisition of millions of dollars. Another resourceful person from the same ministry who lost his job (not because of his incompetence) was Kamili Karamaga former director of budget. Before she left Rwanda Revenue Authority, Mary Baine, the former Commission General too was a tormented by Musoni because of the later�s numerous attempts to use her to evade taxes of his building materials. Later, Musoni managed to have her removed from her juicy position and posted into the Ministry of Foreign affairs. Before Baine, Henry Gaperi Kanyesigye her predecessor and later Director General of Caisse Socialle suffered the same fate. In fact, we�ve been told that Gaperi who is now the IMF regional director with offices in Mozambique has been refused to cover Rwanda because of Musoni�s orders. Others, like Claudine Nyinawagaga, the former Mayor of Gasabo district were easily fired by Musoni for her refusal to allocate him government land. Then you have this learned accountant in Kigali and proprietor of Kigali Institute of Management called Peter Rutaremara who too was fired from the Chairmanship of Tender Board again for refusal to grant Musoni government tenders.

The vital question among Rwandan citizens is; for who long shall Rajabu, ordained by Kagame, continue to live in their country under such constant fear of persecution from James Musoni? Though Musoni James is Kagame close confident, one wonders whether he does not take advantage of Kagame personal weakness to quench his thirst of terrorizing citizens perceived to be his critics and enemies. Musoni, like Kagame, will always be remembered in the history of Rwanda for their political mismanagement and history will judge them harshly. As for those who have taken a vow of standing with Musoni and his mentor Kagame to bring down others, either you should chose to act rationally by abandoning the two or� you risk sinking with Kagame-Musoni-Nziza-Nyiramongi titanic ship soon than later!

Benedicto Kimenyi

Email: [email protected]


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African Dictator

December 3, 2011   No Comments

Charles Ingabire: A Rwandan Brave Who Did Not Need Weapons

AD and readers, I pay tribute to our fallen but not to be forgotten Rwandan Brave Charles Ingabire, founder and editor of Inyenyeri, who was murdered by Kagame after Ingabire chose exile rather than be silenced by the Rwandan butcher. Ingabire, may your passing rally Rwandans to free ourselves of the Kagames. Ingabire, you kept telling us that:

Today, it is now or never�
The battle has just begun
All I have in my mind is�

Never give up!
Never give up!

Never give up even if�
If I fall, I will rise
I am brave because in my mind�

Never give up!
Never give up!

I will never stop, I�ll walk hard
No one can stop me even my greatest nightmare
For all I know, the lord always guide me.

Never give up!
Never give up!

The wound would never be my weakness
Even my greatest enemies
For I know all this time�

Never give up!
Never give up!

I promised myself
I will pass this greatest battle
So whatever happens

I will never�
Never ever give up!

Rey Benipayo, whoever you are who wrote these words, thanks for lending us these poetic lines through which to sing songs to our departed Rwandan brave Charles Ingabire. Rest in peace dear brother.

Gakuba Theodore, Kigali.

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African Dictator

December 3, 2011   1 Comment

Rwandan military veteran detained in Kampala over assassination of journalist Charles Ingabire of Inyenyeri News

Leon magheshi, suspect in journalist Charles Ingabire's assassination

Leon Magyeshi, suspect in journalist Charles Ingabire’s assassination

The District Police Commander Wandegeya police station Richard Ecega confirms the assassination of Charles Ingabire. “It’s true Ingabire has been killed. Investigations are underway. I will give more information later,” Ecega tells news desk.

According to a highly placed security source investigating the matter, one Leon Magyeshi, who is now detained at the headquarters of Chieftaincy of military intelligence in Kampala, is believed to have coordinated the assassination.

Magyeshi, a Rwandese military veteran, has been coordinating espionage activities for Kagame�s government from Kampala. He was picked by CMI from his home in Mengo, a Kampala suburb.


Rwandan Journalist Charles Ingabire of Inyenyeri News Killed In Kampala


December 2, 2011   3 Comments

Rwandan Journalist Charles Ingabire of Inyenyeri News Killed In Kampala

December 2, 2011 –� State House Counter Intelligence has picked up the investigation into the killing of top journalist Charles Ingabire.

According to a well-placed army officer, it�s feared Ingabire was killed in highly planned mission.

Ingabire met a group of three men at around 10:00pm last night. One of them later left them in the middle of the meeting.

The killer was reportedly traveling in a Pajero Short Chasis. Boda boda riders at the scene of crime said the assailant who fired the killer short was seated in the passenger seat and only saw part of the registration number as UAF.

After gunshots, the criminals took off. State House intelligence says Ingabire does not booze.

As we write this, at least 50 top military agents have been dispatched to Old Kampala to investigate the incident that has put Kigali and Kampala ties at stake.

But it�s highly suspected the man who left the meeting knew about the plot.

13:00pm: Charles Ingabire, the editor of Inyenyeri news and strong critic of President Paul Kagame has been shot in the thorax in Kampala. His body is at Mulago mortuary. According to latest reports, a pal telephoned Ingabire on Thursday night, telling him to turn up at Pride Theatre in Old Kampala for a cup of tea.

Ingabire met three un-identified men at Hotel Samalina. They chatted for five hours. At 2am, as Ingabire boarded a boda boda to ride home, he was shot from close range. He died on spot.

Ingabire was found shot in the throat, his life-less body in a pool of blood.

According to a highly placed security source investigating the matter, one Leon Magyeshi, who is now detained at the headquarters of Chieftaincy of military intelligence in Kampala, is believed to have coordinated the assassination.

Magyeshi, a Rwandese military veteran, has been coordinating espionage activities for Kagame�s government from Kampala. He was picked by CMI from his home in Mengo, a Kampala suburb.

Born in the Tanzanian Province of Kagera, Magyeshi joined the Rwanda Patriotic Army(RPA) now RDF in 1992 and served in the Presidential Protection Unit (PPU).

Before his arrest Majeshi was running an online news website www.

More shocking information shows Magyeshi was reportedly sent by Rwandese government to prop up a sham opposition forum in Uganda with the view of netting Kagame�s enemies hiding in Kampala. Magyeshi has been in detention for almost two weeks where he is being interrogated.

Magyeshi-Ingabire links

According to up-to-date sources, Magyeshi has since been a business partner of the deceased.

Ingabire joined hands with Magyeshi to form Inyenyeri newspaper shortly after the deceased fled into exile in 2007. The paper was hugely critical of Kagame’s regime.

Ingabire didn�t know he was dealing with a dangerous subject until last night when heavy gunshots ended his precious life.

Security is investigating reports that the arrest of Magyeshi could have forced the latter�s �bosses� to order the killing of Ingabire.

Before he fled to exile in Kampala, Ingabire founded Ongera Micro-Finance in Kigali which quickly realised profits.

It�s said Rwanda First Lady Jeanette Kagame developed interest in the financial institution. However, Ingabire did not want state interference. Gradually, state machinery cracked hard on the institution and brought it on its knees.

Fearing for his life, Ingabire took off to Kampala. However, sources in Rwanda say days before he fled Kigali, Rwanda intelligence wanted to jail him for �using names of high government personalities to get money from European Countries to fund his micro-finance.�

Friends say Ingabire had started learning Luganda language in Kampala.

Police is still tight-lipped on the matter. Our news desk telephoned Kampala Metropolitan Spokesperson Ibin Ssenkumbi at 11:00am for comment but said �I am not aware about the incident please call me back after 30 minutes.� At 11:32am, we telephoned Ssenkumbi again who said �I am still checking.�

Old Kampala DPC Siraje�s known mobile phone is off.

Early this year, ISO Director Ronnie Balya carried out a breath-taking investigation in Kampala with the view of arresting Kigali intelligence operatives who were reportedly on a mission to eliminate specific refugees hiding in Uganda.

The spies were sent after it emerged that renegade army chief Gen. Kayumba Nyamwasa and ex External Security boss Col. Patrick Karegyeya were mobilising Rwandan exiles in Uganda to invade Rwanda

Tensions hit peak levels thus forcing Museveni to jet in Rwanda for peace-talks. A source says hundreds of Rwandan refugees petitioned CMI boss Brig. James Mugira and Museveni, citing harassment by Rwanda spies.

The petitions even necessitated a high level security meeting at State House, Entebbe. In that meeting, a security officer remarked: �Rwanda spies have flooded our country especially Kampala. In Mengo and Rubaga hotels, they are like locusts.�

Those days, it�s said, Red Pepper Director Arinaitwe Rugyendo and 256news reporter Godwin Agaba were on the hit-list. In fact Agaba�s dog was poisoned a couple of months ago.

Recently, Britain sternly warned Kagame of �grave consequences� once Rwandese exiles living in London were hurt. They had complained of persistent harassment by Rwanda spies.

Last year, Nyamwasa survived assassination by a Rwanda military intelligence operative, a development that severed diplomatic ties between Pretoria and Kigali.

The body of Ingabire is at Mulago Mortuary. Kagame is expected in Uganda on December 10 to oversee the controversial Young Achievers’ Awards ceremony at Common Wealth Resort, Munyonyo, Kampala.


December 2, 2011   5 Comments

Commemoration of 15th Anniversary of Rwandan refugees massacres in Congo

Commemoration of 15th Anniversary of Rwandan refugees massacres in Congo

Held in Oxford House in London,� Saturday the 26th November 2011.

Remembering victims (Rwandan refugees and Congolese) of Rwandan army in D.R. Congo)

This event �brought together members of the Rwandan community in UK, Congolese communities, Human Rights advocates, academics,� UK politicians, friends of Rwanda and Rwandans.
The meeting started by short clips which demonstrated the terrible massacres and suffering of Rwandan refugees in Congo since October 1996. This was followed by one minute�s silence to remember all those who were killed.� Participants lighted candles in memories of all those Rwandans and Congolese who were killed and those died in Congo.

In opening speech Olivier Harelimana recapped horrible experiences of Rwandan refugees in Congo since the attack and destructions of their camps in North and South Kivu region of Congo since in October 1994. He mentioned various attacks and massacres as documented by various reports such as those which occurred in the following regions:

  • Katale region� Between the 25th �and the 27th �October 1996
  • Uvira.On the 24th �October 1996
  • Mugunga On the 15th November 1996
  • Tingi-Tingi area fleeing between 28th February and 13th �March 1997.
  • Kisangani on the 1st April 1997
  • Mbandaka and Wendji on the 13th May 1997

He added that it is estimated that around 500,000 Rwandan refugees lost their lives in undignified ways that can be categorises in two categories:

  1. Those who were systematically massacred by Rwandan (RPF) troops
  2. �and those who died as result of hard life, malnutrition, starvation and diseases.

Testimonies of survivors

Victims of RPF army in D.R.Congo

Remembering the Victims of RPF army in D.R.Congo

Gerturde Uwamariya, a survivor of Congo atrocities sent testimonies which were read. She said that what she saw and experienced in Congo was the most horrible experiences that anyone can experience and no one should experience that. She reminded the audience that those who committed those atrocities have not been persecuted despite all available evidences of their actions.

Jean Pierre who experienced the killing of his parents in Congo jungle by the Rwandan army when he was a young boy, said that his life has changed forever since that day.

Experts and audience exchanges and sharing

Hubert Sauper the award winning film maker who directed the famous Kinsangani Daily, a documentary which followed Rwandan refugees in Kinsangani areas and their ordeal in November 1996, said that what he saw on road to Kisangani has never left his mind since then.

Prof. Peter Erlinder:Law professor and international criminal defence attorney demonstrated how it is important to look at the geopolitical factors and dimensions of local conflicts in any attempts to look for everlasting solutions including seeking for justice.

Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha MP, who is an Advisor on Reconciliation to the President of Sri Lanka His Excellency Mr Mahinda Rajapaksa, while sharing their experiences on reconciliation efforts in his country, he stressed that truth telling has to be the first step of achieving true reconciliation.

Claude Gatebuke who is a genocide survivor and human right advocate encouraged everyone to became and raise their voice and campaign for peace, human rights and justice. He reminded everyone Dr Martin Luther King words “Injustice�anywhere is�a threat to justice�everywhere; the realisation of human rights for all people everywhere is therefore our common cause”.

Tano Mylvaganam, who is International criminal lawyer barrister invited Rwandans to look at way to come together to resolve their issues and build a strong relationship based on mutual respect and rule of law as the international criminal tribunal has not been successful in bringing about a true reconciliation needed.

Victoria Dimandja from the Congolese community suggested that a memorial event to commemorate all victims of wars and conflicts in Greatlakes should be the next step. She demonstrated the importance of Congolese and Rwandans to come together to promote peace in their region.

Harry Verhoeven who is an Oxford University academic warned on the danger of not recognising the multi-responsibility of atrocities that occurred and are currently occurring in Congo.

Other speakers and contributors in the event agreed on importance of Truth telling in reconciliation efforts that would achieve sustainable peace.

The audience agreed to work together and campaign so that killings like those occurred in Congo should not happen again and those currently occurring should stop.

December 2, 2011   3 Comments

Rwanda: We Need Democracy And Not Development Clich�s

by Boniface Twagirimana.

On 26th November 2011, President Paul Kagame addressed cabinet members, members of parliament, government officials and the residents of Nduba Sector, Gasabo District in Kigali city gathered in a tree planting propaganda. His address was seen by many as an opportunity to mock some remarks by visiting US Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Susan E. Rice, that Rwanda development successes were not mirrored in politics, democratic rule, media, human rights, freedom of assembly, freedom of expression. �We are busy building Rwanda and you bring up negative critics, we destroy you�, said President Paul Kagame.

In her remarks “as prepared for delivery�, under the title: “Building a New Nation: Rwanda’s Progress and Potential”, Ambassador Susan E. Rice on 23rd November 2011 at the Kigali Institute of Science and Technology made strong appraisal of development efforts and substantial social progress but insisted that the democratic milestone is still far away to be seen. She said:

�Rwanda�s economic vitality has moved the country forward. Social progress has been substantial. Yet, the political culture in Rwanda remains comparatively closed. Press restrictions persist. Civil society activists, journalists, and political opponents of the government often fear organizing peacefully and speaking out. Some have been harassed. Some have been intimidated by late-night callers. Some have simply disappeared. Yet, the world is moving rapidly in a different direction. Across the globe, including in societies where the common wisdom was that freedom would never arrive, we are seeing people demand the right to chart their own future, to organize peaceful demonstrations, and to criticize their own governments. From an angry young fruit seller in Tunisia, the demand to be heard has spread across North Africa and into the Middle East. It was taken up in Egypt. Then Libyans demanded the end to Qaddafi’s 42 years of tyranny. Today, Syrians and Yemenis are being killed by their governments simply for saying what they think about their leaders and their future. But they will keep speaking out, because they have a universal human right to do so. And they know it.

These rights to freedom of assembly, freedom of expression, freedom to organize peacefully, are just as vital, just as inherent in Asia, in Latin America and in Sub-Saharan Africa as they are in Europe, America or the Middle East. (�)�

End of quotes.

Responding to this and similar calls, President Paul Kagame stated:

�� why after listing all our achievements, the conclusion of some is that Rwandans don�t have space to express themselves�. There is no place to say nothing nor to say and we don’t respond. Our government has put means in place for Rwandans, including internet infrastructure, to say what they want and where they want. A population of over 10 millions of Rwandans is using that, it’s unacceptable that only about 100 or 150 people should be given special privileges to express themselves and remain unchallenged. What are they? Why then? Amongst them are many who say nothing, or whose words tend to destroy what we have achieved. (�) We are busy building Rwanda and you bring up negative critics, we destroy you. We are not sorry for this at all. Actually we don’t do it enough because of those things of freedoms and rights.
(Original text in Kinyarwanda: � Ariko ntabwo nakwemera ngo urambwira ngo abakwiye kuba bavuga kandi batanasubizwa ni abantu bagera nko ku ijana cyangwa ijana na mirongo itanu mu bantu miliyoni icumi n’izindi. Abo se ni iki ? Kubera iki ? Muri bo ko harimo n�abavuga ubusa cyangwa ko muri bo ko hari n�abavuga ibisenya! Igihe turiho twubaka u Rwanda ukaza kuvuga ibirusenya turagusenya. Nta n’umwe twabisabira imbabazi at all, ahubwo ntitubikora bihagije, nabwo bijyanye na kwa kundi kureka abantu gusa ngo bishyire bizane)�.

As for good governance, democracy and human rights. When you promote equal access and you are number one on the planet to empower women, whoever says this is not democracy is “insane”.(…)” , he stated.

FDU � INKINGI welcomes the recommendations by Ambassador Susan Rice, specially the lack of freedom of speech, lack of political space and violations of human rights. Her reference to the Arab spring is very timely if Rwandan current political situation goes unchecked. �Nearly half of Rwandans today were born after the genocide ended�, she stated. This analysis is relevant, and Rwandans all together need to move on.

Our party chair, Madame Victoire Ingabire Umuhoza and presidents or leaders of other 3 opposition parties and many journalists are in maximum prison for politically motivated counts. Opposition leaders and journalists have been killed. Opposition leaders in exile are hunted down and hefty prison sentences and subsequent arrest warrants have been circulated by our government. A judicial case on genocide negation and terrorism is in the making against well known humanitarian Paul Rusesabagina, Hotel Rwanda real hero, because of his critics on lack on good governance, the shrinking political space and violations of human rights. This is nothing else than that policy to destroy all dissenting voices, as confessed in his statement.

It’s time to speak out Rwandan dictatorship.

Boniface Twagirimana
Interim Vice President.

December 1, 2011   No Comments